Dr. Joaquim – Looking for Solutions When There Is No Hope!

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Dr. Jean Joaquim I Love Veterinary - Blog for Veterinarians, Vet Techs, Students

We decided to do an interview with an amazing vet from Brazil- Dr. Joaquim! Read on and find out why!

Tell us Something About Yourself

My name is Jean Joaquim. I am a veterinarian from Brazil. I live in Botucatu, which is a small town in the Sao Paulo State. We have a University here of Veterinary Medicine. I am 41 years old and I live in Botucatu since my University days. After coming to study, I never left the city anymore. Here I work in the Ministry of Agriculture as an Official Veterinary Officer, and a volunteer professor at the University and I built my own vet school for post-graduation courses.

Why did you Decide to Become a Vet?

My father is a vet, my uncle, and my cousin, so veterinary was in my blood, perhaps in my soul, perhaps even in my destiny.

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Where did you Study?

I have studied at the University of Sao Paulo State – Unesp – Campus Botucatu, just like my father, uncle, and cousin. The school is one of the best ones in Brazil and South America; it is well-developed and equipped.

Besides the professors being professionals, they were also my friends, and most of them still are to this day.  Then I founded my own institute, the Bioethicus Institute, which other than the University keeps me in contact with already graduated vets and day-to-day operational problems of clinics.

What Does your Veterinary work include?

My work includes everything related to veterinary medicine. From the government, taking care of a vet staff, issues with meat inspection, disease control, international animal transit, and others.

As a professor at the University, I help with MSc, Ph.D. classes, graduation classes, and also with the Acupuncture and Rehabilitation Service. At Bioethicus I deal with course organization, lectures, clinical cases, and management.

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We see a lot of Interesting pictures from your Patients. Can you tell us More About the ones you Found the Most Interesting and the Most Challenging?

The most challenging ones are the ones nobody cares about. The common thing between them is that no hope is available – No conventional treatment. Then we go for Acupuncture, Stem cells, Chinese Herbs, and others.

We create new treatments; For example, distemper, where we have great success using acupuncture. Polyradiculoneuritis, where we use the animal’s own blood for autologous injection as a treatment.

Also, the ozone therapy, which we brought to one of the most relevant in Brazil in 2016 and 2017, with a lot of courses and use. It can really save animals, treat wounds, scars, and numb the pain. All my cases are the most challenging because we care the same for all of them. When 5% of hope, 100% of dedication.


We know being a Vet can be Stressful, how do you Handle those Stressful Situations?

I have a brain workout. I try to figure out all the problems, to understand why does it happen, and learn to avoid them happening again. Being systematic, organized, and principally work with a good team of friends, is the secret. I also try to rest, have good meals and not spend the night awake or drinking or partying (laughs).

Veterinarian Jean Joaquim

Do you Have any Advice for Future Vets?

First, love what you do. I don’t mean love animals, because everyone loves animals. I mean love to study how to solve animal’s problems. Take this as a mission. Don’t think being a good vet is related to money, status, and position.

It is more than that, it is about transforming a bad situation into a good one, in a way that is quick, effective, and with pleasure. Be responsible. Share your knowledge and principally share good vibes, for friends, owners, and patients.

What are Your Goals for the Future?

My goals for the future are to slow down the activities and start to dedicate myself to write about what I have learned in vet life and how it can help other vets in the future, and of course, keeping helping difficult cases to have a happy ending. Namaste!


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