The 5 Best Cat Dewormers are Here!

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Internal Parasites in Cats

When should cats get a dewormer? Can I deworm my cat at home? What is the best cat dewormer? What is the best non-prescription cat dewormer? These questions will likely bother you when you find out your feline friend has worms.

If your cat has worms, giving a good dewormer will eliminate them and prevent them from returning. Good cat dewormers are affordable, safe, and effective. So, what is the best cat dewormer? Let’s find out.

Yellow cat getting a pill

The Best Cat Dewormer in Our Opinion!

Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer  is our top pick for the best cat dewormer. This dewormer effectively eliminates tapeworms which are the most common type of worm in cats. You can use it on adult cats and kittens above six weeks.

Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer is a product of Elanco Animal Health: a brand trusted by many pet owners. This cat dewormer has little or no side effects and is easy to administer. It also comes at an excellent price compared to other cat dewormers.

Why Trust Us

Thousands of cat owners have trusted us for many years! Our core mission is to provide cat owners with credible information to provide their cats with the best care and nutrition. 

Many cat parents rely on the reviews and articles we research and publish. We regularly review and update our review articles to ensure that any changes to the products reach you on time.

All our staff members are passionate about animals. We work tirelessly to provide you with adequate information to keep your cat neat, healthy, and happy!

How We Selected Today’s Products

We have selected the products reviewed in this article based on effectiveness and safety. We have also considered the ease of use and the number of parasites targeted. We have discussed these factors in detail below, under the ‘buying guide for cat dewormers’ section.

We also consulted three veterinary doctors working in various certified cat-friendly clinics. They shared their knowledge on treating and preventing roundworms, cat worms, hookworms, and tapeworms in cats. 

Although this information guided us in selecting the products, our vets did not particularly validate any of the products included in this review. While researching for this article, we also referred to the product reference guide produced by the Companion Animal Parasite Council. 

The CAPC lists all EPA and FDA-approved parasite control medicines for small animals. This list also includes each product’s key ingredients and uses.

Signs and Symptoms of Internal Feline Parasites

If your kitty has worms, it may appear perfectly healthy and happy. Meanwhile, parasites are increasing inside their gut, stealing vital nutrients and blood. The symptoms of worms vary in kittens and cats, depending on the type of parasites they have. Usually, your vet will run tests to determine the worms before giving any prescription.

All cats of all ages can pick up worms, but cats that hunt are at a higher risk. Rodents, birds, and mice can be carriers of intestinal parasites. Your cat could easily get infected if it consumes such prays.

Kittens are also vulnerable to worms as larvae can get passed on from the mother through breastfeeding. They can also contract tapeworms from fleas and ticks. You should regularly deworm your cat and look out for symptoms of worm infestation.


Roundworms are one of the most common worms in cats, especially kittens. Roundworms are long, 3 to 6 inches (7.62 to 15.24 centimeters), smooth, and round-shaped worms. You are not likely to notice the symptoms, especially if your cat has a few roundworms. Although the eggs get excreted through feces, they are tiny. You cannot see them with the naked eye.

Signs and Symptoms of Roundworms

  • Diarrhea
  • Sickness
  • Dull coat
  • Weight loss, despite an increased or usual appetite
  • Lack of energy
  • A swollen stomach (especially in kittens)
Microscopic image of roundworms


Unlike roundworm larvae, you can easily see these worms on your kitties’ feces. Tapeworms look like long white pieces of rice grains. They get their name from their flat, segmented bodies. If your tabby has tapeworms, you will notice it licking and scratching under the tail area.

Tapeworms can get into your cat’s system if it drinks infested water or consumes mice and rodents with tapeworms. Tapeworms live in your cat’s intestines, feeding on all the essential nutrients. Tapeworms mainly affect adult worms. Here are the common symptoms of tapeworms in cats:

  • Increased appetite.
  • Your cat will overly clean the area beneath the tail.
  • You will notice small pieces of rice-like worms in the fur near the tail.


These worms are not as common as tapeworms and roundworms. However, cat owners must watch out for hookworms. Hookworms are small, and you can only see them through a microscope. They attach themselves to the small intestines and feed on your cat’s blood. 

Extreme infestation can cause intestinal bleeding, inflammation, and anemia. Cats can get hookworms by contacting the hookworm larvae found in infected water, soil, or litter. These worms can be fatal, especially in young cats, and early detection is essential. Kittens can get hookworms while breastfeeding if the mother is infected.

If your cat has been exposed to hookworms before, it will develop immunity to this worm and will not show any symptoms.

Signs and Symptoms of Hookworms

  • Blood in your kitty’s stool
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Poor appetite
  • Anemia
  • Paleness in the lips, nose, and mouth areas


Lungworms affect the cat’s lungs, leading to breathing difficulties. Luckily, lungworms are less common and less fatal in felines. Your cat can get infected if it consumes lungworm larvae, primarily found in infected rodents, birds, and water.

Snails carry hookworm parasites and transfer them to cats, cats that hunt are at a greater risk of being infested with hookworms. Lung Worms can cause severe lung damage and breathing problems.

Signs and Symptoms of Lungworms

  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Fluids build up in one or both lungs

You should contact your vet immediately if you notice one or two of the above symptoms.

Why is Parasite Prevention Important?

The thought of having a cat with worms is disturbing. Parasite prevention is crucial as it could save your cat’s life. If worms stay untreated for long, your cat will have anemia and malnutrition. Small, weak kittens could die as a result of worm infestation.

Cats and kittens with health issues and pre-existing medical conditions are more vulnerable to worms. They can become anemic or get dehydrated due to severe diarrhea and vomiting. 

If your kitten has too many worms, they cannot pass through the GI tract. This condition can result in intestinal blockage, which can be fatal for your little kitty. Worms don’t just affect cats. They also affect other animals and human beings. Failing to deworm your cats could transmit to other animals such as dogs and horses.

Most cat dewormers do not have serious side effects. They are effective and easy to administer. However, you must choose the right dewormer for your cat, and this can only be possible if you run relevant tests first.

It’s essential to identify and treat internal parasites as soon as possible. Choosing the right dewormer and following the package instructions will enable you to safely kill all worms and bring your cat back to health.

Most cat owners only deworm their cats in summer and spring. However, veterinarians advise that all cats should be on broad-spectrum parasite preventive medicine throughout the year. Various parasites are active during different times of the year, and parasite activity can differ depending on where you live.

Also, some parasites can become active earlier than you expect, including in winter. The other reason you must deworm your cat is that deworming prevents reinfection. 

Most cat dewormers paralyze and kill the worms in your cat’s body. Continuous worming ensures that all other worms your cat might pick up get eliminated as early as possible.

Visit the Vet Before Purchasing a Product

Buying a cat dewormer without a veterinary doctor’s prescription is tough. It would help if you visited the vet before purchasing any medication for worms in cats. The veterinary doctor will examine your cat and run relevant tests. After the diagnosis, he will advise on the proper medication and treatment plan. 

Although some cat dewormers do not require a prescription, you should not skip the vet visit. It would help if you visited your vet first because some parasites like coccidia have the same symptoms as cat worms. But these parasites require different medications. Running the appropriate tests will ensure you treat the right problem.

Consulting a vet will ensure you buy a specific dewormer for the type of worms you are tackling. It is not advisable to buy a broad-spectrum dewormer as it may not effectively kill all the worms.

Do Indoor Cats Need to be Wormed?

Although outdoor cats are at a higher risk of getting worms, you should deworm your indoor cats too. Outdoor cats risk collecting intestinal worms like roundworms and hookworms. They may also pick up fleas, ticks, and heartworms.

Parasites can enter the house in many ways. If you have other pets, such as dogs, they bring fleas, ticks, and other parasites to the home, which exposes your indoor cat to worms. Human beings can also carry parasites such as fleas to the house. The fleas can get stuck on our clothes or shoes.

Mosquitoes can also come in through an open window and door and transmit deadly heartworms. Even one heartworm can kill your cat quickly if not diagnosed and treated early. To prevent worms, you must deworm all your indoor and indoor-outdoor cats throughout the year.

A Quick Feline Wormer Comparison Guide

  1. Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Cats and Kittens 6 Weeks and Older  – Best Overall
  2. Hartz UltraGuard Rid Worm Liquid for Cats  – Best for Roundworms
  3. No products found.– Best Multipurpose
  4. FurFinds Herbal Cleanse for Cats and Dogs â€“ Best Natural
  5. WormEze Gel Dog Puppies Cat & Kitten Worm Remover 4oz  – Best for Kittens
Herbal Cleanse fot Cats and Dogs - Homeopathics Parasites and Toxins for Dogs and Cats - All Breeds and Size - Puppy & Kitten - 2oz
Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Cats and Kittens 6 Weeks and Older, 3-count
Product name
Herbal Cleanse fot Cats and Dogs – Homeopathics Parasites and Toxins for Dogs and Cats – All Breeds and Size – Puppy & Kitten – 2oz
Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Cats and Kittens 6 Weeks and Older, 3-count
Price not available
Herbal Cleanse fot Cats and Dogs - Homeopathics Parasites and Toxins for Dogs and Cats - All Breeds and Size - Puppy & Kitten - 2oz
Product name
Herbal Cleanse fot Cats and Dogs – Homeopathics Parasites and Toxins for Dogs and Cats – All Breeds and Size – Puppy & Kitten – 2oz
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Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Cats and Kittens 6 Weeks and Older, 3-count
Product name
Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Cats and Kittens 6 Weeks and Older, 3-count
Price not available
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Your Cat Wormer Buying Guide

Deworming is vital since it reduces parasites and improves your cat’s health. Finding the perfect dewormer for your feline friend can be stressful. Here are a few factors to consider when buying a dewormer for your cat.


The most crucial aspect to consider when buying a deworming medicine for your cat is its safety. Most cat dewormers are safe and have minimal side effects. They attack the nerve cells of worms, which are different from your cat’s nerve cells. 

However, It is still essential to ask your vet about the safety of the cat dewormer before giving your cat. When purchasing a cat dewormer over the counter, please read the package label before administering it to your feline.

Common side effects of cat deworming medicine include poor appetite, diarrhea, excessive drooling, and lack of appetite. Always opt for cat dewormers with minimal or no side effects.


When buying medication for worms in cats,  you should pick one that thoroughly kills all the worms. It is also essential to consider the period it takes for the dewormer to kill all the worms.

Some cat dewormers take a week or two before you see the results. Others are quick, and the results are visible in a few hours.

Type of Parasite Treated

The type of worm affecting your cat is one of the factors that determine which dewormers you will buy. The main worms that affect cats are hookworms, roundworms, and tapeworms. These cat worms require different medications. 

The medicine that eliminates tapeworms will not effectively eliminate roundworms or hookworms. That is why you must always visit the vet before administering any medication.

If you suspect your cat has worms, take it to the vet for a fecal test. Your vet will advise on the best medication based on the results. 

Ease of Use

When buying a cat dewormer, pick one that is easy to give your cat. Most cat dewormers come as pills, liquids, and pastes. So you can easily give the medication in the most comfortable way for your feline friend.

Giving your cat a tablet is difficult and comes with too much physical and mental trauma for you and your cat. Most cats do not like swallowing pills; this makes it hard to administer dewormers that come in pill form. You may have to trick it into taking the medication by hiding it in its favorite snack.

Here are a few tips to help if you must deworm your cat using pills;

  • Ask assistance from other family members because you will need to hold the cat tightly.
  • Firmly restrain your kitty in a towel, leaving its head out.
  • Coating the tablet with some butter will make it slide down the throat easily.
  • Using your finger or a pill popper, push the tablet into your cat’s throat as far as possible.
  • Close your cat’s mouth for a minute or two.

Cats are strong, with sharp claws and teeth. Forcing them to swallow a tablet could result in potential injuries for you. Consider cat dewormers that come in liquid or paste form if your cat is finicky and doesn’t fall for tricks. When using the injection method, ensure your cat is calm and relaxed.

Our Best Cat Dewormers Reviews

Buying the right worm medicine for cats is not a simple task. With hundreds of cat dewormers to pick from the shelf and online, it can be tricky to find a good one, especially if you are a new cat parent. Here’s our review of the best cat dewormers:

Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets) for Cats and Kittens 6 Weeks and Older  – Best Overall

If your cat has tapeworms, we recommend you give it Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer. These dewormer pills contain praziquantel which is effective in eliminating tapeworms in cats. Tapeworms are one of the most common worms in cats because cats can get them from fleas and ticks. 

Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer is more affordable than other cat dewormers and works excellently. Cat parents who have tried these tablets say they are very effective and work within a short time. Although you do not need a vet prescription to administer this cat deworming medicine, it is still essential that you visit the vet first.

If your cat does not like how this tablet tastes, you can crush it and add it to your kitties’ food. 

Some cats will refuse to take the food if they notice you have added the dewormer. For such cats, use the tip in the ‘Ease of use’ section above to administer the medication. You can also consider buying dewormers in liquid or paste form. 

The other reason cat parents love this dewormer is that it has minimal or no side effects. Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer is the best non-prescription cat dewormer for eliminating tapeworms. You can use it on all cats and kittens above six weeks.

Why Buy This Product

If your cat has tapeworms, we advise you to try this cat dewormer. It’s a product of one of the most reputable manufacturers and has worked for thousands of cat owners. Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer is also affordable and has no side effects.

What We Liked

  • Affordable
  • Effective
  • It has minimal or no side effects.
  • It does not require a vet prescription.
  • Safe for kittens above six weeks

What We Did Not Like

  • Not safe for Kittens younger than six weeks.
  • It eliminates tapeworms only.
  • Hard to administer for picky cats.

Brand: Elanco Animal Health

Life Stage: Above six months 

Targeted parasites: Tapeworms

Product dimensions: LWH 3.25 x 2 x 2 inches (8.26 X 5.10 x 2.50 centimeters)

Flavor: Not flavored

Product form: Tablet

Preventative vs. targeted: Targeted

Active ingredient: Praziquantel 

Doses per container: 3 doses

Ideal for: Eliminating tapeworms

Hartz UltraGuard Rid Worm Liquid for Cats  – Best for Roundworms

Hartz UltraGuard is another excellent cat dewormer from Hartz. This dewormer effectively eliminates roundworms in cats and kittens above eight weeks. The prescription is one teaspoon per five pounds of weight. 

Repeat the treatment 14 days later. If your cat still has worms, give it another dose in 14 days. If your cat has too many worms, consult your vet before giving this dewormer.

This dewormer is safe for kittens above six weeks. It comes in a liquid form which you can drop directly into your cat’s mouth or add to its food. When using this dewormer, ensure you weigh your cat and dose it correctly. Otherwise, there could be side effects. It is advisable to consult your vet before using this cat dewormer.

Why Buy This Product

This cat worming medicine contains piperazine citrate, a powerful chemical that paralyzes roundworms. This ingredient makes it highly effective in eliminating roundworms. Hartz Ultraguard works well for adult cats and kittens above eight weeks. 

What We Liked

  • Effective in eliminating roundworms.
  • You can use it on kittens above eight weeks.
  • It is easy to administer.

What We Did Not Like

  • It eliminates only one type of worm.
  • It has potential side effects if not well administered. 

Brand: Hartz

Life Stage: Cats above eight weeks

Targeted parasites: Roundworms

Product dimensions: LWH 1.88 x 1.88 x 5.4 inches (4.77 x 4.77 x 13.72 centimeters)

Flavor: None

Product form: Liquid

Preventative vs. targeted: Targeted 

Active ingredient: Piperazine citrate

Doses per container: 15 doses

Ideal for: Eliminating tapeworms

No products found. – Best Multipurpose

No products found.

Durvet Wormeze is an excellent multipurpose dewormer. This dewormer contains the main active ingredients of piperazine citrate, praziquantel, and anthelmintics. You can use it to eliminate tapeworms, roundworms, and hookworms. 

Although this cat dewormer is costly, many cat parents love it. Especially if their felines have all three common cat worms, it is better than bothering your cat with many different medicines. It is still essential to have your cat tested if you are unsure which worms it has. 

This dewormer comes in liquid form and is easy to administer. You can add it to your cat’s favorite snack or drop it directly into its mouth. This cat dewormer has little or no side effects and is safe for kittens above six weeks.

Why Buy This Product

Durvet Wormeze is effective in eliminating the three common cat worms. If your cat has two or more worms, this is the product to purchase. It is tasty, making it easy to administer.  

What We Liked

  • It eliminates roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.
  • It has a palatable taste.
  • Safe for six weeks old kittens.
  • It has no side effects.

What We Did Not Like

  • Costly

Brand; Durvet 

Life Stage: Cats above six weeks old

Targeted parasites: Roundworms, tapeworms, lungworms, and hookworms.

Product dimensions: LWH 5.43 x 1.73 x 1.65 inches (13.79 x 4.4 x 4.20 centimeters)

Flavor: Palatable

Product form: Liquid

Preventative vs. targeted: Targeted

Active ingredient: Piperazine citrate, praziquantel, and anthelmintics

Doses per container: 15 doses

Ideal for: Ideal for cats suffering from roundworms, tapeworms, and hookworms.

FurFinds Herbal Cleanse for Cats and Dogs  – Best Natural

If you are looking for a cat dewormer without strong artificial elements, this is the right product for you! The formulae used to manufacture this cat deworming medicine contains pure, natural ingredients. It has no hormones, preservatives, or artificial flavors.

You can use this dewormer on kittens and cats of all ages. It is safe and effective with no side effects. This dewormer comes in liquid form that you can easily add to your cat’s food or water—no more struggling with tablets and chews that your cat won’t eat. 

Furfinds works as a worm preventive medicine. You can add it to your cat’s food or water daily for the best results. The amount given will depend on your dog’s weight, and the instructions are on the package.

Why Buy This Product

This cat worm medicine is good because it contains natural ingredients. There are no side effects associated with the dewormer, making it the best option for cats with sensitive skin and stomachs. This dewormer is effective and safe for all kittens and cats.

What We Like

  • Effective
  • Contains natural ingredients
  • Affordable
  • It prevents all types of worms
  • It has a palatable taste.
  • Easy to administer

What We Did Not Like

  • It does not eliminate all tapeworms.

Brand: WormEze

Life Stage: Kittens above six months

Targeted parasites: Roundworms, tapeworms, tapeworms, and hookworms.

Product dimensions: LWH 4.53 x 1.46 x 1.42 inches (11.5 x 3.71 x 3.61 centimeters)

Flavor: Herbal

Product form: Liquid

Preventative vs. targeted: Both

Active ingredients: Pumpkin seeds, oregano, clove, papain, Black walnut, and wormwood

Doses per container: 60 doses

Ideal for: Ideal for cat parents that prefer natural products

WormEze Gel Dog Puppies Cat & Kitten Worm Remover 4oz  – Best for Kittens

WormEze gel deworming gel is the best dewormer for kittens. This dewormer is safe for kittens over six months old. The WormEze Gel effectively controls and eliminates roundworms in adult cats and kittens above six weeks. It has a palatable taste and no side effects. Roundworms are the most common worms in cats affecting kittens and adult cats.

Cat parents who have tried this dewormer have praised it for being easy to administer. It has a palatable taste which most cats like. You can administer it by adding it to your cat’s food or applying it on its tongue. 

Why Buy This Product

Most cat dewormers aim at eliminating worms. However, WormEze Gel acts as a preventive and curative dewormer. You can use it as an eliminative or preventive drug to protect your cat from roundworms.

This cat worm medicine comes in gel form, which is easy to administer. It also has added flavors that cats like. 

What We Liked

  • It has a palatable taste.
  • Effectively eliminates roundworms.
  • Effectively prevents roundworms.

What We Did Not Like

  • Expensive
  • Some 

Brand: WormEze

Life Stage: Cats above six weeks

Targeted parasites: Roundworms

Product dimensions: LWH 6.61 x 2.17 x 1.57 inches; (16.79 x  5.11 x 3.99 centimeters)

Flavor: Palatable

Product form: Paste

Preventative vs. targeted: Both

Active ingredient: Ofloxacin and ornidazole

Doses per container: 15 doses

Ideal for: Ideal for preventing and treating roundworms.

FAQs on Cat Dewormers

Which Dewormer Do Vets Use for Cats

Most veterinary doctors recommend Drontal. This dewormer eliminates tapeworms, hookworms, and lungworms and is safe for kittens and adult cats. When using it on kittens, ensure they are over one month old and weigh above 1.5 pounds (0.681 kilograms).

How Long Does it Take for a Feline Wormer to Work?

As a cat parent, you would want the cat dewormer to work as soon as possible. However, some dewormers take a bit longer to work. Most cat dewormers take around three days to work and eliminate all worms. Provided your cat does not get re-infected during this period or just after.

The period taken for the deworming medication to work depends on several factors. Severe infections involving large worms might take longer to cure. Other factors that could increase the time deworming medication takes to work include:

Type of worms: Certain worms are stubborn and take a long time to disappear.

The number of worms: The medication will likely take longer if your cat has many worms.

Deworming medication: Some deworming medicines take longer than others to work.

Resistance to medication: Some worms can form a resistance to deworming medicine. In such cases, your vet will advise on the course of drugs to follow to eliminate the worms.

As you wait for the cat dewormer to work, you should try to keep your feline isolated from any possible infectors. Ensure your cat and its environment are clean. Cleanliness will help prevent reinfection and also protect other pets in your home from contracting worms.

Can You Deworm a Cat at Home?

If you own a cat, you should deworm it for common parasites such as hookworms and roundworms at 2, 4, and 6 weeks. You can do this at home or at a veterinarian. To deworm your kittens at home, you will need a syringe, a digital scale, and a dewormer, which you can buy at a vet store near you.

If worm treatment at home is ineffective, please take your cat to the vet. The vet will examine it, confirm the diagnosis and provide the relevant cat dewormer. The veterinary doctor will give you additional meds if your cat is anemic or has any other health issues caused by worms.

How Often Should a Feline be Dewormed?

Intestinal worms are prevalent in felines. They are so common that each cat is likely to contract them sooner or later. The only way to protect your hairy friend is by deworming it regularly. Here is the deworming schedule for adult cats, kittens, and cats that are prolific hunters.

Adult Cats

Many people think they should only deworm their cats during summer, but this is not true. It would help if you dewormed your adult cats at least once every three months. A regular deworming routine is four times a year, once each quarter.

Prolific Hunters

Cats that spend too much time outside are at a higher risk of contracting worms than indoor cats. The risk is higher for these cats because they can easily eat infected rodents, mice, or birds. You will need to deworm such a cat at least once per month.


Kittens can easily get infected with worms; when they do, they get more severely affected than adult cats. Unlike adult cats, it’s easy to notice if your kitten has worms. Worms cause diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss, negatively impacting your kittens. 

For this reason, you should give them an otc kitten dewormer as early as two weeks. Continue deworming them every two weeks until they are twelve weeks old, then monthly after six months. After six months, you can deworm them like other adult cats.

Most cat deworming medicines are not ideal for kittens below eight months old. Ensure you read the label well or consult your vet before introducing your little kitty to cat deworming medicine.

Are There Different Types of Dewormers?

You can buy cat dewormers over the counter or by prescription; they may be topical or oral. Cat deworming medicines come in tablet, liquid, and paste forms. Therefore you can pick one that is easy and comfortable to administer for you and your cat.

For topical medications, you can apply them at the base of your cat’s head. When choosing a cat dewormer, pick one that can effectively kill all the worms that have infested your cat.

Praziquantel – For Tapeworms

This cat tapeworm medicine makes tapeworm cells unable to hold calcium, paralyzing the worm. Once it gets paralyzed, the cat’s natural defenses kill the worm, and it gets digested. Once dead, the worms get broken into small pieces and pass out with feces. 

Praziquantel usually has no slide effects. However, some felines may experience vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive salivation.

Pyrantel Pamoate – For Roundworms and Hookworms

This chemical works by paralyzing worms. Since roundworms and tapeworms work by attaching themselves to your cat’s intestines, being paralyzed kills them. They fall off your feline intestinal walls, get into the digestive system, and are excreted as stool. 

Pyrantel pamoate is safe for all cats and rarely causes side effects. Some cats experience diarrhea and vomiting; this reaction is rare.

Piperazine – For Roundworms

Piperazine works by paralyzing the roundworm. However, this chemical is not effective in eliminating hookworms. Therefore, it’s crucial to ensure your furry friend gets the correct dose of this medication. A minimal amount won’t be effective, while an overdose can cause vomiting, loss of balance, nausea, and muscle tremors.

Broad Spectrum Dewormers

Unless you visit the vet first, it is not easy to identify the type of worm affecting your cat: this is when broad spectrum dewormers come in handy. These dewormers are a mixture of pyrantel pamoate and Piperazine, enabling them to kill the most common worms in cats.

It is important to note that these dewormers have a higher risk of side effects than worm-specific dewormers.

What is a Natural Dewormer?

A natural cat dewormer does not contain any chemicals. You can make it using natural ingredients like carrots, garlic, and pumpkin seeds. Some cat owners prefer natural dewormers because they usually have no side effects. 

Adding a tablespoon of freshly ground ginger or raw pumpkin seeds to your cat’s food can naturally deworm it. Remember to be moderate when introducing your feline to natural dewormers, as it may refuse to take the food.

The other way to naturally deworm your cat is by starving it for 24 hours. All intestinal worms are likely to starve to death. Ensure you talk to your vet about this first to get advice on the best way to go about it.

Do Natural Dewormers Work on Cats?

Natural cat dewormers are effective! However, these dewormers do not compare to established vet-recommended cat dewormers. Convectional dewormers are effective and safe, with little or no side effects. 

Although natural dewormers work on cats, ensure you consult your vet before deworming your cat naturally. This way, you will not accidentally harm your cat while trying to deworm it. If your vet approves, you can deworm your feline and ensure it’s happy, healthy, and worm free!

The Final Say on Feline Wormers

Worm infestation is common in all felines, regardless of their age. Outdoor cats are the most affected when it comes to cat worms. However, indoor cats also risk getting worms. Young kittens can also ingest worms during breastfeeding if their mother is infected. 

Cat worms can cause anemia, malnutrition, and death if left untreated. For this reason, it is crucial to identify worm infestation and treat it as soon as possible. Tapeworms, roundworms, lungworms, and hookworms are the most common worms in cats. 

There are various types of dewormers that veterinary doctors recommend. Some target specific parasites, while others like Durvet Wormeze are broad-spectrum dewormers. While most feline dewormers contain chemicals, others like FurFinds Herbal Cleanse contain natural ingredients. 

You can also naturally prevent cat worms by adding garlic, ginger, or crushed pumpkin seeds to your kitty’s meals.

Our list above for the best cat dewormers will come in handy whenever you need to deal with these pesky parasites. Remember, Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer  is our top pick for all feline dewormers. This cat dewormer is effective, safe for kittens, and comes at a great price!

Bestseller No. 1
Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets)...
Elanco Tapeworm Dewormer (praziquantel tablets)…
3-count bottle of tapeworm dewormer for cats; Easy effective way to remove common tapeworms in cats
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Hartz UltraGuard Rid Worm Liquid for Cats, 4 oz...
Hartz UltraGuard Rid Worm Liquid for Cats, 4 oz…
Includes 4 ounces of dewormer syrup; For use on cats and kittens 8 weeks of age and older; Easy-to-use syrup can be dropped directly into your pet’s mouth or mixed into food.
$7.62 Amazon Prime
Bestseller No. 4
Bayer Expert Care Tapeworm Dewormer for Cats and...
Bayer Expert Care Tapeworm Dewormer for Cats and…
For use in cats over 6 weeks of age; 3-count bottle of tapeworm dewormer for cats; Easy effective way to remove common tapeworms in cats
$21.99 Amazon Prime
SaleBestseller No. 5
N/1 Cat Dewormer, Durvet Wormeze Feline Liquid...
N/1 Cat Dewormer, Durvet Wormeze Feline Liquid…
Cat wormer, easy to use, may be added directly to cat’s water or food; Kitten dewormer, safe for kittens over 6 weeks of age
$20.95 Amazon Prime

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