Ask the Expert: Is Peaches Good for Dogs?

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Is peaches good for dogs? A fresh juicy peach is very good for quenching your thirst during summer. But, as you take a bite of this delicious fruit, your dog can be looking at you while drooling as if to ask, ‘can you share?’ 

Notably, dogs are carnivorous and will not need fruit to be part of their diet. However, peaches are good for dogs. Read on to know why these fruits are good for your dog. 

Dog with fruits

Are Peaches Good for Dogs?

Are peaches good for dogs? Yes. Peaches are good for dogs. Dogs eat peaches, and they love them.

Your dog can benefit from vitamin A and C, low calories, and high fiber found in peaches. Peaches also help boost your dog’s immunity and ward off cancer due to their concentration of antioxidants. In addition, they play a huge role in improving the function of your dog’s liver and kidney. 

You should serve peaches properly and in moderation for your dog to benefit. Other than being a healthy snack for your dog, you can use them as a refreshing reward during the dog’s training. Read our article and find out can dogs eat plums?

Can Dogs Have Peaches?

Your dog is free to have peaches whenever you want to treat him. However, can dogs eat canned peaches? No. Always refrain from giving your dog preserved or canned peaches because they contain high sugar levels, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners that may upset your dog’s digestive systems.

Producers of most commercial fruits treat them with pesticides that can be toxic. So please make sure you wash peaches before your dog (or you) eat them.

Can Dogs Eat Dried Peaches?

Are dried peaches good for dogs? Dry peaches are safe for dogs but can cause a choking hazard. 

To prepare dry peaches for dogs for your dog, cut them into bite-sized pieces and monitor your dog carefully as he eats to prevent choking. Peach seeds contain traces of the toxin cyanide. So, remove the seeds before feeding peaches to your dog.

Can Dogs Have Peach Yogurt?

You will want to purchase a peach yogurt for your peach-loving dog. However, store-bought peach yogurt contains artificial flavors and preservatives, which can be detrimental to your canine companion.

The much that can happen to your furry friend for eating a whole 6oz (150 g) of peach yogurt is having a stomach upset. However, the discomfort of cleaning up the aftermath mess is enough to make you think again about letting your dog eat as much yogurt as he wants. 

You will need to avoid it seriously. A vast majority of peach yogurt on the market is sugar-free and contains an ingredient called xylitol which is greatly toxic for your dog. However, most ingredients found in peach yogurt are beneficial to your canine companion. They do have one surprisingly healthy ingredient, which is live bacteria (probiotics).

Live bacteria help in digestion and boost immunity keeping your dog healthy. They are microorganisms that play a key role in keeping your dog’s gut healthy. The live bacteria are most beneficial to an older dog, who takes a long time to recover. 

Milk is the other ingredient in peach yogurt. Milk is generally okay for your dog unless the dog is lactose intolerant. However, most people won’t know if their dog is lactose intolerant.  

Lactose intolerance is when a dog’s gut struggles to digest lactose protein in milk. 

The other ingredient in yogurt is the modified corn maize starch. The purpose of maize starch is to help thicken the yogurt. However, it is one of the undesirable ingredients. This starch is made from corn and modified either by heat or acid to make it thick. If the starch affects your dog negatively, it’s toxic to your dog.

Pectin is another type of starch that is not toxic to your dog but is not the healthiest. It is from plants and is widely used in jellies as it gives a semi-solid structure, so it thickens yogurts. Locust bean gum is another ingredient extracted from a plant used to thicken the yogurt. 

The best peach yogurt for your dog would be homemade peach yogurt made by combining plain yogurt and well-prepared peaches cut into small sizes. Use the organic peaches, and give your pet a small amount of yogurt to see if its body can digest it. If the dog seems uneasy, do not feed your pup any yogurt. 

If everything seems okay and you decide to treat your pup to some peach yogurt, you should still make sure that the amount is minimal and won’t affect their health.

dog eating fresh fruits

Can Puppies Eat Peaches?

It is safe to feed your dog a slice of peach, but first, consult your veterinarian before feeding your puppies any human foods. 

Are Peach Pits Toxic to Dogs?

Yes, peach pits are fatal to dogs. Peach pits can harm your dog in various ways. The first is if your dog swallows a peach pit whole, it will cause choking or internal blockage that can lead to death. Secondly, peach pits have a toxic substance called amygdalin. If your dog consistently eats the peach pit, he will get an accumulation of amygdalin and die. 

We categorize peach pit poisoning into two: acute and chronic poisoning. Acute poisoning occurs when your dog ingests many peach pits over time. On the other hand, chronic poisoning occurs over a long period when a dog repeatedly eats small amounts of peach pits. 

Notably, chronic poisoning occurs when a dog lives near a peach tree and often eats the windfall fruit from the ground. 

When are Peaches Bad for Dogs?

Whenever your pup eats a peach and gets a negative reaction from its body, the peach becomes bad. Dogs can safely attain a balanced diet without peaches. However, a few pieces could make a life for your dog a bit juicy, with pun intended. As you feed your pup, remember the following:

  • Feed your dog a few peach slices instead of giving him a whole peach. Peach contains high acidic levels and many natural sugars that may affect your pup.
  • The high sugar content in peaches makes them high in calories, leading to the risk of obesity and stomach upset in your dogs.
  • Always go for organic peaches instead of non-organic fruits that have permeated pesticides under the thin outer skin of a peach. Be sure to wash your dog’s peach very well, whether organic or non-organic.
  • Inspect the peach for mold before serving it to your canine friend. Moldy fruits can cause liver failure, seizures, or GI upset. Also, spoiled fruits ferment and turn sugars into alcohol- even small amounts of alcohol have poisonous ingredients to our dogs.

How to Feed Peaches to Dogs

Before feeding your pup any human food, confirm with your vet. Once you get the go-ahead, select fresh organic peaches and wash them thoroughly, then cut them into manageable pieces and remove the stem and pits or leaves that may be present. 

During dog training or other dog activities, use the small pieces of peaches to reward your dog as a treat. You can add the small pieces to its food as a sweet surprise. 


Our Parting Words

We conclude that dogs and peaches are compatible. Dogs can take them anytime. However, moderation is essential when feeding your pup peaches to avoid stomach upset. Also, always consult your vet whenever you are unsure whether to feed your dog peaches. Being safe is always better than being sorry.

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