Can Dogs Eat Eggshells? YES, But [Read This First]

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Are Eggshells Good For Dogs?

Can dogs eat eggshells? Of course, yes. Eggshells for dogs are a great source of amino acids, vitamins, calcium, and other nutrients. You can give eggshells in small amounts, and they will be a great help to your dog.

The calcium carbonate in the eggshells helps in the formation of bones. You will find eggshell powder being used to treat arthritis. If your dog doesn’t have arthritis, the eggshells will prevent your dog from having complications associated with old age.

The calcium in the eggshells will also help in teeth formation. As a result, your dog will have healthy and strong teeth. So, dogs eating eggshells have strong teeth and bones.

can dogs eat eggshells

Dogs and Eggshells–Can They Eat Them?

Can dogs eat eggshells and the egg? Yes. You can feed your dog a whole egg together with the shell. Alternatively, serve the eggshells separately from the egg.

Can My Dog Eat Eggshells?

The answer is yes. Your dogs can eat eggshells, but it is good to prepare the shells. You wouldn’t like to see your four-pawed friend choking. Some time back, wild dogs would feed on the raw eggshells without fear of poisoning. To be on the safe side, prepare the eggshells to avoid contamination or choking.

You can grind them for easier absorption of protein and calcium. Use a food processor, seed or coffee grinder, or mortar and pestle.

Nutritional Content And Health Benefits of Eggs for Dogs

Eggs are a great source of nutrients in human beings. The same applies to dogs. An egg has a yolk, white, and shell. Let us look at some of the health benefits to dogs:

Fatty Acids

They are concentrated in the egg yolk. Dogs can consume them as saturated or unsaturated fats. When dogs consume them, the body breaks down the fat that the GI tract absorbs. The fatty acids are used to preserve body cells.


They are great catalysts when it comes to metabolism, growth, and development. They also boost immunity in dogs. You will find the vitamins in the egg yolk. They include Vitamins A, D, E, K, B1, B6, B12, Niacin, Riboflavin, Choline, and Folic acid.

various colored vitamins that look like skittles sweets


They are vital in dogs, and dogs consume them as salts. Most of these minerals are found in the eggshells, although some are located in the yolks and egg whites. They help with development. They include:

  • Phosphorous
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Zinc
  • Manganese
  • Iodine
  • Selenium
  • Copper
  • Chloride
  • Iron
  • Magnesium

Amino Acids

They are essential in the growth of dogs. Dogs eat them as plant and meat-based proteins. What happens is that the dog’s body breaks the proteins then the GI tract absorbs them. They are then used for body and muscle building. These nutrients are found in egg whites, and they include:

  • Histidine
  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine
  • Arginine
  • Methionine
  • Threonine
  • Valine
  • Tryptophan
  • Phenylalanine
  • Lysine

How Often Can Dogs Eat Eggs? And How Many?

The number of eggs your dog should feed on depends on various factors. Consider your dog’s size, activity level, existing health conditions, and age. An average egg consists of 60 calories, 6 grams of protein, and 4 milligrams of fat. 

As much as eggs are good treats for dogs, seek the help of a vet to know how often to feed them.

A Step-By-Step Guide On Making Eggshell Powder For Your Dog

Are eggshells good for dogs? Yes, they have significant health benefits. However, eating whole eggshells can be harmful to dogs: They may choke on them, and also, dogs don’t digest full eggshells well. 

Can Dogs Eat Eggshells’ Powder?

The best way to feed your dog with eggshells is to grind them. Dogs can digest eggshell powder. Below are steps on how to make eggshell powder for dogs :

  • Collect, wash and then dry several eggshells.
  • Preheat an oven tray to around 95 degrees Celsius for about ten minutes. Then spread shells on the tray to dry.
  • Let the eggs cool down.
  • Use a blender or food processor to grind up eggshells to powder form. The powder serves as a phosphorus and calcium supplement when you mix it with dog food. Before grinding the shells, ensure the eggs are fresh from the farm. Eggs from the store may be contaminated with preservatives which may compromise minerals and vitamins in the eggshells.
  • Store the eggshells powder in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator. The powder can stay in the fridge for up to two months.

Note that the eggshell powder is just a supplement and not food. Add about a teaspoon of the powder to your dog’s food.

empty eggshells on a wooden table and eggshell powder in a white mortar and pestle

Can Puppies Eat Eggshells?

Eggshells are safe for puppies to take. However, they are not an excellent source of the calcium needed for building strong bones. Calcium carbonate is the only type of calcium that you will find in eggshells. 

Unfortunately, puppies cannot absorb calcium carbonate well. Also, the eggshell powder doesn’t have magnesium and phosphorus. So, in a nutshell, eggshells are not suitable for puppies.

On the other hand, you can give eggs to your puppies. But at what age can puppies eat eggs? Puppies can consume scrambled eggs from the age of four weeks. But, ensure that they are not raw but cooked!

Raw eggs for dogs are a source of salmonella that may put your puppy at risk. So cook your eggs thoroughly before giving them to your puppy. So can puppies have raw eggs? Most certainly not!

Cooked eggs are plentiful in protein, Vitamin A, and linoleic acid. These nutrients help to keep your puppy’s coat in excellent condition. 

Other nutrients in the egg-like Vitamin D help in bone formation and boosting immunity. In addition, choline helps form the foetal brain, while egg yolks help reduce the dangers of cataracts.

Do not cook your egg with fatty oils. Boiled eggs are a better alternative. To avoid gaining weight, only give a small amount of cooked egg to your puppy.

Is There a Risk of Canines Being Allergic to Eggs and Eggshells?

Yes. Dogs may be allergic to eggs and eggshells. As you already know, eggs are a good source of proteins. Most of the time, proteins cause allergies in dogs. How will you know your dog is allergic to eggs and eggshells?

labrador retriever scratching from eggshell allergy

See a vet once you see your dog having Gastrointestinal (GI) issues like dog diarrhea and vomiting. Vomiting and diarrhea are symptoms of an allergy. Also, dog skin problems are a sign of an allergy. For instance, your dog may be itchy in areas around the paws, ears, and other regions.

Seek the help of a local veterinary doctor as soon as you spot the above symptoms.

Is Feeding Your Dog Too Many Eggshells Harmful? Why?

Yes. They say too much of something is poisonous. Too many eggshells are not suitable for your canine friend. The eggshells are only supposed to be supplements and not food. Too many eggshells mean adding extra calcium, which may cause an imbalance in the diet.

The calcium imbalance and the phosphorus deficiency will negatively impact Vitamin D, hence affecting the skeletal metabolism. Also, high levels of calcium may lead to chronic kidney disease in dogs. The kidney is supposed to filter minerals from the blood. However, when in excess, the kidney is at high risk.

This condition is called Hypercalcemia which is when there is too much calcium in the blood.

Other Ways to Feed Your Dog Eggshells

By now, it is clear that you are aware that dogs can eat eggshells. They are great additions to any dog food, and you can prepare them how you like.

If you are not keen on doing this yourself, check the link an online dog eggshell calcium supplement.

12 oz Pure U.S.A. Eggshell Powder for Dogs/Cats, Calcium Supplement with Membrane, Finely Ground Egg Shells
  • Eggshell Powder is The Safest & Best Source Of Calcium for your dog or cat – Help your furry baby meet their daily calcium needs. Each serving of this calcium supplement delivers 1900mg of elemental calcium in the form of natural finely ground eggshells.
  • Superior Bones & Joint Supplement – Keep your pet’s bones strong with this eggshell powder supplement. The Calcium comes from the most natural source; eggshells.
  • Easy To Give (NO PILLS) – Directions: Mix 1 teaspoon of this eggshell calcium with 1lb of your pet’s food, or as directed by your veterinarian.
  • Farm Fresh Egg Shells – Fully Pasteurized, Crushed and Finely Ground and Hand Sifted, (no sharp pieces)
  • Made on the Farm in the U.S.A.

Do You Have to Grind Eggshells for Dogs?

Apart from feeding your dog eggshells in powder form, there are also other ways you can try. Boil your eggshells and give them to your dog. Boiling eggshells ensures there are no harmful bacteria, such as salmonella, that may be harmful to your dog.

You can also roast the eggshells then remove them for grinding. You should note that you are supposed to use eggshells as food supplements and not food! The eggshells should not replace a typical meal. Before making any decision concerning feeding eggshells to your dogs, consult a veterinary doctor!

By now, it is clear that you are aware that dogs can eat eggshells. They are great additions to any dog food, and you can prepare them however you like. Whichever way you choose, don’t deprive your dog of eggshells that are great in nutrients.

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